This is the only way you will get the video.ġ) Download all the parts of the movie from the website (parts 1 through 7 (or more archives)).Ģ) Install a program to extract the movie from the archives. When you download all the parts, you need to extract them with one of the programs pointed out in the post earlier. To decompress the files to get the full downloaded movie, you need to use one of these archiver programs like WinRAR, Unzip, 7-Zip or others to decompress it. Only if you download all the parts and unzip them to your computer, only then is the film available to watch in the video extension MP4 (Use any video player to view the video after unzipping). To watch the movie, you need to download all the parts and unzip parts 1 through 7 (or more archives). Follow the instructions below to watch the movie on your computer.